Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tools Voucher

I love tools they are so handy and make me feel real good when a job goes to plan or I have the right one for the job I need oooooooh tools. Just wondering what im gonna buy with it I know a drill 18v one cordless oooooooooohhhh drill. Got a couple of spare hundred bucks hey if they government is giving away vouchers for apprentices i take with both hands motherfucker.

Hey guys lets go eat the bosses ass :P

I know how fucking dire of having a work related blog but i can anonimously vent without without the paranoia of chinese whispers and gossip. Being a female in a male dominated work enivronment has its perks but they have be just as bad as females and I find men are bigger bitches. This leads me to talk about this character, I shall refer to him as 'Douche'. Anyway, 'Douche' is a boss of a very small company. Its him, an apprentice and a T/A..... Douche plays lord over these blokes, humiliates them, doesnt teach them and Douche is lazy. Douche expects to do sweet fa while someone else does the hard yards.

These two boys gobble that shit up and kiss his arse like it was a womans in a porno flick. Hell may as well through in the tongue and give him gobby. I have been told that I have spirit but i will not kiss someones arse if I dont have to. I dont believe in kissing arse to deter a good mood. However it is a sorta symbiocal relationship they all need each other to make a living but it is a very weird working environment to say the least luckily im working alone I even patched holes up yay!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

50mm white phase hurts bitch!

Im currently living in a share house which costs about 550 a week in rent. A few months back thier were five of us living in this house now its a nice odd number of 3. During our share house times, we were cursed to have the biggest sponge living with us, not paying his rent, not doing his share around the home and smoking my dope while im at work. Im all for drugs that are au naturel.... i find them as gods gift to us and not as bad as man made substances such as alcohol and powder based shit. But anyway, this motherfucker just lived off us while we worked hard honestly for our coin. I dont know how I let this dog bite us so many times without being kicked in the guts but i did but not for long....

The first incident happened in september of 08. We were all at work, slaving away for the man and this douche bag was sitting at home pulling his puddy or whatever he does but this low life scum bag had stolen rent money out of the drawer and blatantly denied it. When being confronted he made up some diversion that he thought that his missus was cheating on him n then proceeded to have a go at my partner to no avail. Watching them wrestle I was overwhelmed with shock. I couldnt fathom this motherfucker living in our house living off our back living the life. Oh man this motherfucker makes me so mad. After this incident it died down they left the home but yet did not return the key.

My father died in November 08, when i found out, this man and his girlfriend were there helping me grieve and i thought it was very sweet and i was comforted. I then left town to be with my mother and my daughter and had not been home for at least one month. Before my partner left to go on holidays he locked up the house packed up the car and left. In that time this cunt has gained entry via the left over key and then proceeded to take a money box containing about a gee in coins. What a perfect crime or so he thought. He never realised that his stupidity in his decision would always lead back to him.

This bloke knew shit was taken before we even realised shit was taken.
Photographic evidence of him holding about 1500 in cash......he doesnt work or doesnt recieve benefits and dealers need to get money from somewhere its a dog eat dog world as if someone is gonna give out money for some cunt to start up shop.
The keys - no forced entry and he knew where everything was.

I based my judegement on these and given his previous history with sticky fingers i then proceeded to exact my revenge. The cops were 'reported to'. 'Reported to' refering cops dont do shit because they know the money is gone and for some reason i dont think this cop that i spoke to actually gave a rats arse. fucking cops wont do shit if it meant paper work. I rang up his girlfriend and politley asked for our house keys back and shes like "sure yeah ill find em". A couple of minutes later i get a text from her boyfriend " so which cop do i have to see?"
Calmly, I called him and explained that the police would like to chat with everyone that has a key and that i will call them tomorrow when it is suitable for us to see them. All of a sudden i was bombarded with the same question " why you involve the cops? whyd you involve the cops?"
A normal person calls the police and an innocent person wouldnt give a shit! I was so surprised that he fell for it hook line n sinker that i cemented his guilt in my mind. We laughed about it and felt good about our closure. A lot of bad thought concerning his welfare came to mind but i thought the sneaky shit would be better for me. But hey i got my cake and ate it too.

Around 7pm yesterday this bloke was delivered to our home because he had been implicating other people into it. Just a little sort out chat we wanted. It wasnt what we expected and I did what i wanted to do but didnt. I actually beat him with cable and severed the insulation so copper was protruding out. And i was good. I didnt hesitate when he was atacking me or my partner i just did it and I didnt want to stop. Hopefully he has learned his lesson. I have taken the day off today to watch the house while new barrels are added to our door passage sets. Revenge is good and i hope that people that do harm to others get thier back it was hard i gave him the benefit of the doubt but dogs dont care they will bite anyone to get ahead.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Background info...

Im starting this blog to document this experience, the ones ive had and the ones that are yet to come. Im starting to write at the start of my second year of being an apprentice electrician. This is my dream job and i see it as an avenue to get some sweet moolah working hard and honestly. I have come along way and it has taken me 4 years to get to this point and all along the way i never gave up on what i wanted for my daughter and myself.

@ Xmas 2004....

Grace, being a couple months old by that stage was really starting to make my responsibilities for her more real. I was over being a bum tomato packer, I always dreamt of something more and more respectable and exciting.

" So, what do you do for a living?"
"Well, Im a tomato packer, i sort tomatoes according to thier ripeness, i pack them and stack them"
" Well - arent you a fuckhead?"

So I decided to do a tafe course to broaden my horizons. I grabbed a copy of the course guide from my local tafe and spent hours daydreaming of training to be in certain vocations. Some courses inspired me but not enough. I scrolled through til I found a pre-vocational course in Electro-technology. The course was situated in Maryborough a town 100 kilometers away from where i was. I still took to it like a rat on cheese. I remember my first day everyone was staring at me. I didnt do that well and lost interest through some of it however, during tafe i was first introduced to dexamphetamine, a drug doctors dish out to children who suffer add. To the normal human being, this drug causes you to concentrate really really really hard. I fucking love them and i do condone using them in study environments - but hey im not a doctor. 6 months of driving 200 kilometer round trips lead me to nothing! No luck with jobs i applied for at sugar mills and with private contractors, it was depressing me and bumming me out. I thought i had the go getter attitude and for a female i am quite a workhorse but no shit nothing and it stayed like that for 3 years......

I was going out with this bloke, his name was Brad. He was an apprentice plumber and after hooking up at a nightclub one night we ended up living together. I was working for the absoloute douchebag boss at a denture clinic. One of the other girls there was truly the most knivving arse kissing mole i have ever met. I would turn up to work not wanting to be there and it showed for sure. I was abused and completely humiliated by this pair and the prosthethists wife i quit my job. Me and Brad soon quickly disbanded and for the next few months i was living with an assortment of people and as selfish and pig headed as i was and am i probably put myself and my daughter in danger but thankfully that is nothing but a past paranoid thought. One day I decided to pack my shit and leave and chase my dream. Working, earning money toward a better life for me and grace. 1600 kilometers away im someone i want to be. But not without sacrifice.